A lot of laughter can be heard in the village … from the fathers!
A few nights ago, it was a fun filled night for 46 fathers in the village as they took part in a ‘fathers activity’. Not only was there a lot of laughter but they also said that they learnt a lot sharing their ideas, thoughts and reflections. Â
Alya, our social worker, told us that she did not expect the huge number of fathers that did turn up to the activity, to turn up, since most of them had had a hard day at work already, from working in the rice and corn fields, working on construction sites in the scorching sun and driving motorbike taxis around the community. Â
The activity was just a simple game, they had to make sure that the ball did not get into the hole, but if it did, for one of their team members to make sure they caught it. The objective of the game was to unite them as a group, to cooperate in one task and to let them control the situation (ball).  The activity was a great way for the fathers to de-stress after their busy day of work.Â
During our reflections some fathers told Alya that this was the first time that they had experienced this kind of activity. They do not socialise except sometimes they may have a cold beer after work with neighbours.
They learnt that the game was very applicable to their daily lives, most of them as the head of the family, work hard to sustain the needs and daily expenses, as one father said ” Problems in the family can be solved easily if each member gives their fair share and helps”.
The fathers enjoyed their evening so much and said it felt like they had gone back to their childhood days. They temporarily forgot their hard days work, with everyone smiling, laughing and eager to win!
At the end of the activity, they even requested to extend a few minutes for them to dance.Â
Life maybe tough for these gentlemen but with hard work, dedication and dreams for their families, day by day they are surviving.  Life must go on, and there’s always something to be thankful for. They have a wonderful home in the village with a great community around them and friendships have been made for life.Â